Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How do I ditch the Bounty Hunters?

      Ever since I conquered three of the southern tip renegade worlds, I get pounded by renegade patrols or a bounty hunter, or both almost every time I warp in anywhere. I haven't been able to upgrade my speed or acceleration yet, so I get mugged before I can warp out again. I can use my afterburners, but then I have to refuel sooner, which is difficult because of all the renegades and bounty hunters... :mad:

      And when I do stick around and fight the bounty hunter, the chicken sh*t bastard bolts when his shields drop below about 30. :p:

      Would a fake ID help?

      And another thing. I completed this Defend us from Renegades mission on one of the southern Indy worlds. After they paid me and thanked me they said I was welcome on two or three of the Indy worlds (don't remember names) and had access to ships, yada, yada, yada. Thing is, the moment I left there those Indy worlds turned Hostile and my status there went to Criminal or Fugitive. What gives? Bug? Or is my universal translater in need of a tune up? :rolleyes:

      And what did I read about the Emilgha (spelling?) offering access to a third world (is that a pun?) if you help them battle Voinians? I helped the Emmies. I trounced the Veggies. I hung out in Emmy bars. Went back later and did it all again. Zip. Ziltch. Nada. Wassup?

      By the way, I just want to say that despite all of my complaining, I still really enjoy the EVO universe and community. 🆒

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • **

      Would a fake ID help?


      Nope. You'll just have to release those planets from servitude or however it's worded (or frag the hunters whatever)


      And another thing. I completed this Defend us from Renegades mission on one of the southern Indy worlds. After they paid me and thanked me they said I was welcome on two or three of the Indy worlds (don't remember names) and had access to ships, yada, yada, yada. Thing is, the moment I left there those Indy worlds turned Hostile and my status there went to Criminal or Fugitive. What gives? Bug? Or is my universal translater in need of a tune up? :rolleyes:


      It's a plug isn't it?


      And what did I read about the Emilgha (spelling?) offering access to a third world (is that a pun?) if you help them battle Voinians? I helped the Emmies. I trounced the Veggies. I hung out in Emmy bars. Went back later and did it all again. Zip. Ziltch. Nada. Wassup?

      Never heard of it. Elaborate.


      I still really enjoy the EVO universe and community. 🆒

      Me too. Odd isn't it?


      (This message has been edited by Alan (edited 08-31-2000).)

      (This message has been edited by Alan (edited 08-31-2000).)

    • (quote)Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
      **Ever since I conquered three of the southern tip renegade worlds, I get pounded by renegade patrols or a bounty hunter, or both almost every time I warp in anywhere. I haven't been able to upgrade my speed or acceleration yet, so I get mugged before I can warp out again. I can use my afterburners, but then I have to refuel sooner, which is difficult because of all the renegades and bounty hunters...:D

      S/He also runs away if you have killed all his/her crecent fighters. But if you want to kill him, get a ship that has a lot of guns.

      I don't have a clue what happend with the Indys.

      The third world is the red world in the Emalgha system. You get the missio...
      Wait, why am I telling you that? I'm a VOINIAN!

      U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

    • It's a plug isn't it?

      No plug -- I've never been able to get any plugs to work (other posts). I stumbled into a bar on one of the Indy worlds and got a fairly standard "Help! We're bing invaded! Will you help?" kind of message. I accepted, blasted a herd of renegades and then landed to collect my booty. Then the bastards turned on me. I thought maybe I'd accidentally fired on one of the friendlies in the heat of battle, but that should have been cleared up when my reward clicked in.

      Never heard of it (Emelgha 3rd world). Elaborate.

      Just that if you go the the Emmy bar they'll invite you to help fight Veggies, and supposedly if you do you get access to their ships, etc. and a third Emmy world appears (or you get a mission to it). I've done all that, and still only two Emmy worlds. No biggy, just wondering what I did wrong.

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • Ther's a plug that will get rid of the bounty hunters, bu that's cheating, and yes the planets will be hostile towards you when you release them, it happened in EV and it happens in EVO, if someone had just taken loads of money off you you'd be pretty pissed off as well, wouldn't you?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
      **It's a plug isn't it?

      No plug -- I've never been able to get any plugs to work (other posts). I stumbled into a bar on one of the Indy worlds and got a fairly standard "Help! We're bing invaded! Will you help?" kind of message. I accepted, blasted a herd of renegades and then landed to collect my booty. Then the bastards turned on me. I thought maybe I'd accidentally fired on one of the friendlies in the heat of battle, but that should have been cleared up when my reward clicked in.

      Never heard of it (Emelgha 3rd world). Elaborate.

      Just that if you go the the Emmy bar they'll invite you to help fight Veggies, and supposedly if you do you get access to their ships, etc. and a third Emmy world appears (or you get a mission to it). I've done all that, and still only two Emmy worlds. No biggy, just wondering what I did wrong.


      Might be. I have Reign: Magma, Magma and Magma Subwoofer.

      I'll try to find it if you tell me what world it is. Though I don't guarrenty that I'll find it. I'm busy being a voinian, and I don't know if you can get the "Defend the Planet" missions if you are not in the Miranu trading Corp.

      I think it is called Gualon. It's in the Emalgha system. I think if you press 3 when you are in the system you can land there. Provided you have killed a lot of Voinians. I think you might be confusing Systems with Planets. And no, you don't have to do any missions to get access to their Ships, Tech, ect. I have landed on emalgha to drop HYDROGEN BOMBS on Emalgha and if I wanted to I could buy their ships and tech. I didn't want to. I was in a Crec. Warship at the time.

      U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

    • No No, he means the Elmalgha conquer the Voinion system south of their homeplanet.

      And BH's will give up on you if you destroy enough of them...

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

    • As for your indie problem..... well, did you get in a battle right after you left the planet? Chances are that you took aim at an enemy ship, but your fire hit an independant vessel. Try re-opening your pilot file and then checking status right away.

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
      **Ever since I conquered three of the southern tip renegade worlds, I get pounded by renegade patrols or a bounty hunter, or both almost every time I warp in anywhere. I haven't been able to upgrade my speed or acceleration yet, so I get mugged before I can warp out again. I can use my afterburners, but then I have to refuel sooner, which is difficult because of all the renegades and bounty hunters...:mad:

      And when I do stick around and fight the bounty hunter, the chicken sh*t bastard bolts when his shields drop below about 30. :p:

      Bounty Hunters start looking for a way out when their shields get down to 50%.
      But you have to kill them to make them stop coming, so letting him get
      away just means you'll see him again. So what I usually do, is fight him until
      his shields get into the 50s, and then I python-lure him into the gravity well.
      And that's when he really gets hammered. I go nuts with the dispersal rockets,
      maybe invite my escorts to help out. By the time he realizes, "Oh crap, I
      better get out of here!" he is unable to jump because he's too close to the
      planet. He might make a run for it, but his shields will be 3/4 gone by then
      and he almost never makes it.

      That's what I do when I'm flying something like an Arada. If you have a larger
      ship that can just get in his face and trade turret fire with him, I think a
      continuous stream of turret fire will usually keep him from jumping.


      Would a fake ID help?

      I don't think so. You gotta kill the hunters.

      Have a Sloppy day!

    • Run away from bounty hunters? I just kill them, escorts dosn´t matter. Get the yellow Igazra!

      Please don´t call the Emalgha "Emmies" or "Emmy", I don´t like the words.

      Either spell em right or use the standard "ies". It is hard for newbies to understand and "emmies" are very annoing!!

      If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

    • (QUOTE)Originally posted by Shadow:
      **Run away from bounty hunters? I just kill them, escorts dosn´t matter. Get the yellow Igazra!

      Please don´t call the Emalgha "Emmies" or "Emmy", I don´t like the words.

      Either spell em right or use the standard "ies". It is hard for newbies to understand and "emmies" are very annoing!!


      Shadow, thanks for your comment, although it does not make any attempt to answer my question.

      As for my use of "Emmies"; everyone calls Voinians "Veggies." What's the difference? If you read my question again you'll see I called them by name first to avoid confusion, then used the abbreviated references later. Do I need to stop calling Independent Worlds "Indies," too? And what about all of the plug-in abbreviations; ROTV, UND, etc? For that matter, perhaps the "Newbies" of which you speak would prefer to be called "New Players." Have you asked them? I'm a Newbie myself, by the way.

      Tell you what. Take a survey of all Newbies (or even of all comers) and ask if anyone was confused by my question. Find out if they are confused by ANY questions posted on the web board. Find out if any of them were unable to post a request for an explanation of the point that confused them. Then share your results will all members. That would be doing an actual service.

      I'm sorry "Emmies" annoys you. Internet police annoy me. It's just a computer game.

      If anyone (Shadow in particular) is offended, outraged, upset, or annoyed by my moment on the soap box, please don't hesitate to share your feelings. I would be honored to begin a new post to handle complaints and web board etiquette for the benefit of all.

      This political moment was brought to you by the Boomer Generation. Old farts who still like their toys.

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • "Do I need to stop calling independent worlds "Indies" too?"
      -Yes, that would be nice.

      Look, if the hunters are too big of a problem and you don´t realy need the money, just "fire" them, like with escorts. Otherwise, get better or get a better ship that suits you. Sorry, but there isn´t any thing else to do, but you could get a pair of decent escorts...but that would be hard when you have problems with hunters, wouldn´t it? :frown:

      Maby you could call the Emalgha "eggies" instead, if you have to.

      If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

    • Woooooooooosh! :rolleyes:

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • I like it when hunters come after me. By the time I've got a good enough ship to take over a planet it's easy to disable and capture the bounty hunters. It gives me 4 easy escorts before it starts getting hard to find them.

      U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

    • Bounty Hunters-The never-ending source of escorts and cash

      I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
      Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
      You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

      Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
      Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
      'Nuff said

      Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

      A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

    • Ein Deutches ist Ubermensch

      I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
      Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
      You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

      Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
      Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
      'Nuff said

      Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

      A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ubermann:
      **Ein Deutches ist Ubermensch

      Are you really German? Does the number 6,000,000 mean anything to you or am I just being stupidly touchy? Serious answer, please.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Alan:
      **Are you really German? Does the number 6,000,000 mean anything to you or am I just being stupidly touchy? Serious answer, please.


      Ouch! :eek:

      Forgive, Alan, but never forget.

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • You could always delete the Bounty Hunter përs.....

      I do not suffer from insanity
      I enjoy every minute of it

      -Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
      After the capture of Earth

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Alan:
      **Are you really German? Does the number 6,000,000 mean anything to you or am I just being stupidly touchy? Serious answer, please.

      Careful how you say things you racsist idiot! That's like saying ALL germans are Nazis...and don't deny that cause you were implying. As my fellow Sactown cronie says...forgive but never forget...

      That sort of attitude isn't needed...assuming you're from France (luxembourg)...just because your country was involved in more wars than any other and has lost more than any other, you don't need to take it out on any MODERN day german. No, I'm not ass wipe...

      PEACE YO!


      "Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

      AIM: Kwanzar26

      Kwanzasoft Graphics