Do you think they will come out with a third EV?
Mr. Mulder, CIA
Do you think they will come out with a third EV?
Mr. Mulder, CIA
All depends what you mean really. Most of us are getting a tad hot under the collar about the (hopefully) simultaneous release of version 1.0.3 (vastly improved if the initial signs are anything to go by) and Nova (a total conversion plug that sounds rather good actually). Some call this EVO 3. Then there's the EV3 universe by Martin Turner (two total conversions so far, two more in the pipeline I believe), a wonderful thing. Mikee's bound to get back to you on this one with more information I would have thought, so I'll shuttup.
Originally posted by Alan:
**All depends what you mean really. Most of us are getting a tad hot under the collar about the (hopefully) simultaneous release of version 1.0.3 (vastly improved if the initial signs are anything to go by) and Nova (a total conversion plug that sounds rather good actually). Some call this EVO 3. Then there's the EV3 universe by Martin Turner (two total conversions so far, two more in the pipeline I believe), a wonderful thing. Mikee's bound to get back to you on this one with more information I would have thought, so I'll shuttup.
Well, Martin Turner WANTED Frozen Heart to be EV 2. Ambrosia didn't buy his idea, then they told about how Override was soon to come out. So Turner waited an made his plug-in work for both engines. So I guess we can figure out why he calls it the "E3" Universe -As you notice, FF builds on the same universe...
Now, a while back ATMOS announced they were making a TC plug-in called "NOVA". They were thinking of various way to sell the plug "First plug-in and missions will be free, then you buy the missions for maybe... $5 American?" Once they started talking with Ambrosia about the legal issues behind this, they offered different ways of marketing. Most likely, they will release NOVA with the EV0 1.0.2 and call it another version of EV. EV-EV0-NOVA
Stay tuned, there will be announcements to all this speculation
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
NOVA aint out yet.
"Where'd you get those
The last time i heard, it was still going to be EVO 1.0.2, not EV3
Originally posted by Mordon:
**The last time i heard, it was still going to be EVO 1.0.2, not EV3
Urm, duhr. EVO will be updates to EVO 1.0.2 and that will be the LAST update. NOVA, however, will be packaged with the EVO 1.0.2 engine.
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
Hm. You sound rather sure of yourself, Mikee.
Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?
Let's hope he's right, though.
Here is what I know (and am prepared to admit to)...
1.0.2 will be the last update for EVO, and if you're disappointed by that, have a look at the number of changes Matt Burch has done to the engine. 1.0.2 is the biggest update in the history of either EV or EVO in terms of how much the engine has changed. MB has put a lot of effort into 1.0.2 and I can tell you that it is ALL worth it. Take my word for it.
As for Nova being released as 'EV3', well relations between Ambrosia and ATMOS are cordial (even friendly), but at this point NOTHING HAS BEEN SIGNED. And don't bother asking me or anyone else from ATMOS for updates on Nova becoming 'EV3', because if it does, Ambrosia will take over marketing, and ATMOS will be solely concentrating on finishing the Nova scenario.
One way or another, all questions should be answered by about this time next month, so watch this space...
(This message has been edited by Frandall (edited 04-23-2000).)
Urm, duhr. EVO will be updates to EVO 1.0.2 and that will be the LAST update. NOVA, however, will be packaged with the EVO 1.0.2 engine.
so your saying that NOVA will be included as a plugin when you down load EVO? that would be kinda cool, but what if you have a slow modem and you just want EVO? if you mean that Ambrosia is going to make the defualt, err, plugin, (i mean in the data files) than you see, it really would be EV3 because EVO was really just the same thing (cept it was by Ambrosia specificly to be another EV) even if they don't for it.... although i really hope that NOVA comes out as a plugin (even if it's packaged with EVO, just so long as it's not in the data files) because i have some ideas for EVO that i can only do with the 1.0.2 enigine
oh well, i gotta go to church... bye!
Originally posted by Mordon:
**so your saying that NOVA will be included as a plugin when you down load EVO? that would be kinda cool, but what if you have a slow modem and you just want EVO? if you mean that Ambrosia is going to make the defualt, err, plugin, (i mean in the data files) than you see, it really would be EV3 because EVO was really just the same thing (cept it was by Ambrosia specificly to be another EV) even if they don't for it.... although i really hope that NOVA comes out as a plugin (even if it's packaged with EVO, just so long as it's not in the data files) because i have some ideas for EVO that i can only do with the 1.0.2 enigine
oh well, i gotta go to church... bye!
No no, I was SUGGESTING that NOVA MIGHT be packaged with the EVO 1.0.2 engine. EVO was packaged with the EV "1.0.6" engine. I am not SURE of anything, like I stated, how could anyone be if Ambrosia and ATMOS don't even know what they are doing? So =p
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
Originally posted by Mordon:
**The last time i heard, it was still going to be EVO 1.0.2, not EV3
Nothing I said disagreed with that. In FACT, Cartwright has already altered (or altering) the EVO 1.0.2 resources to work with the new engine. I DOUBT he would go to the trouble if there wasn't going to be an EVO 1.0.2
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
No no, I was SUGGESTING that NOVA MIGHT be packaged with the EVO 1.0.2 engine.
i think i see what you mean now.
EVO was packaged with the EV "1.0.6" engine.
uhmmmm no it wasn't, the EVO 1.0.0 Engine and the EV 1.0.6 Engine are two differant engines, need i say more?
Nothing I said disagreed with that. In FACT, Cartwright has already altered (or altering) the EVO 1.0.2 resources to work with the new engine. I DOUBT he would go to the trouble if there wasn't going to be an EVO 1.0.2
err, yes i think i see now...
THERE IS NO EV 1.0.6 engine!
That's what I was saying, the EVO resources were run under the EV "1.0.6" engine while the old EV resources stayed with the EV 1.0.5 engine, which was the last update.
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
Mikee you should work for the press.
"Mrs President, have you considered nuking China?"
"Yes, I have, in a way similar to how a person considers putting to sleep her dog and friend of 10 years."
"Thank you."
Hours later..
"This just in, the President is going to launch Nukes at China! Mikee Jones has the full story."
Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?
Originally posted by Skunko7:
**Mikee you should work for the press.
"Mrs President, have you considered nuking China?"
"Yes, I have, in a way similar to how a person considers putting to sleep her dog and friend of 10 years."
"Thank you."
Hours later..
"This just in, the President is going to launch Nukes at China! Mikee Jones has the full story."
It ain't Jones =p
tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**It ain't Jones =p
It's Wayne. But how the hell do you get mikee j?
Skunko: MRS. President? The moment that happens I'm fleeing the country...
"durnaya sobatchka!"
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
Uh, my last name STARTS with a "J".
BTW: There is no "j", it's "J".
Originally posted by mikee J:
**Uh, my last name STARTS with a "J".
BTW: There is no "j", it's "J".
Then how the hell do you get mikewayne as your e-mail address?
"durnaya sobatchka!"
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost