Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Realm Of Prey Problems

      I just downloaded a really great conversion for EV called Realm of Prey. I am really enjoying it but after the first few Faction missions (after the one to Onetid the bounty hunters guild), I haven't been able to get any more missions. I have tried Blackthorne repeatedly with no luck. If anyone could help me out I would be much obliged.

      - Silverdragon174


    • Quote

      Originally posted by silverdragon174:
      **I just downloaded a really great conversion for EV called Realm of Prey. I am really enjoying it but after the first few Faction missions (after the one to Onetid the bounty hunters guild), I haven't been able to get any more missions. I have tried Blackthorne repeatedly with no luck. If anyone could help me out I would be much obliged.

      - Silverdragon174


      So you, too, have found RoP. Actually, RoP has/is been/being played by almost all of the EV community. The developer, Tim, is some some sort of legend. (Empire? Wuzzat?)
      But anyways, if you read the deocumentation for the game it says you will always be directed towards where to go in the game... I'd suggest you keep hitting Blackthorne (Or whatever planet you've been using) if you weren't given any other directions after your last mission. Late in the game missions have a very slim percentage of actually getting them, I once had to land two dozen times in EV to get a mission. (After which I failed it and had to get it again) Don't give up and good luck!

      Edit: Fixed some stuff.

      "I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 02-28-2003).)

    • My first post - I've been chasing around the galaxy for weeks trying to find the mineral convoy from the second mission of the FMG string. No joy. It's sapping my faith in RoP, and I've been going back to doing my work too much. Any ideas?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Gringcorp:
      My first post - I've been chasing around the galaxy for weeks trying to find the mineral convoy from the second mission of the FMG string. No joy. It's sapping my faith in RoP, and I've been going back to doing my work too much. Any ideas?

      It's in a system not far from the FMG base if I remember correctly. I'll check it out later in the day using Schmelta-V (to get the exact system) and post the answer tomorrow. All of the missions do work, though.

      Kindest Regards,


    • It might be better to get EV-Edit for mission looking purpose.


    • I'm playing RoP again (this time I'm in the Earth string)! My problem: I've been given the mission to go to Draco and find Devon Cruz. Apparently the pirates there hate me, so I have to bribe my way onto the station. From that point, the string stopped (even though I know it continues), so I can't get anywhere with it. My question(s): Does bribing one's way onto a station screw up the string? Is there any way to get the pirates there to like me, and therefore allow me to dock with the station and continue the string? Is there some utility that could change my pilot file's reputation in that system?

      Thanks very much!
      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

    • Quote

      Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
      **Is there any way to get the pirates there to like me, and therefore allow me to dock with the station and continue the string? Is there some utility that could change my pilot file's reputation in that system?

      Thanks very much!
      ~Ace πŸ˜„


      In the original EV, Confeds are the enemy of pirates (data files say govt 128, which is them). I dont know if its the same way in RoP, and if its worth it to make Confeds haΒ΄te you. Probably they have some other enemy? I dont really know. I dont know about utilities changing the pilot reputation, but I know a ResEdit hack to change the legal status you start with in that system. The field is called InitialRec, so change it so high the Pirates like you. If you dont blow up too many Pirates, you can make the Pirates like you.

      I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

    • Did you actually try and land of the station, and then did they deny you access? Or did you just think, "Hey, they hate me, better try and bribe them off..."
      If you chose door number two, sir, you... should've done door number one. If the mission was to land on the planet and do something there, than, even if the system hates you, you'll still be able to land.

      I think the best thing to do would be to, if you still have it, drop the mission. Try and get it again, and this time do it correctly. (This might not work, it's just what I think would work. Blame Canada* if something goes wrong with the game using this method)

      *Actually, I happen to like Canadians! But they're still nice to blame things on, aren't they?

      "I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

    • Actually, I chose door number one! I'm going through it again to see if maybe there's something I could have done, or something I didn't do the first time. Maybe I should buy some metal (or whatever) to sell while I'm there. I've found that if you're taking some kind of cargo, they'll let you land/dock with no trouble.

      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

    • I made a REALLY BIG boo-boo! After going back and looking at the briefing text, I discovered that I'm not supposed to dock at Port Draco, but land at Dragoran! I was able to land and continue the string. Thanks guys!

      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

    • (quote)Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
      I made a (b) REALLY BIG

    • Well, General, maybe there is a way you can help me. At the moment, I'm supposed to dominate Serval Sentinel. I've helped wipe out all the system defenders, hailed the station, demanded tribute, was told they're sending out their "mighty" ships, but nothing appears! I've tried several times and still nothing! I decided to try docking, and they allowed me (according to the player information, I'm listed as a Fugitive), to dock. After docking, I got a confirmation message and the mission I'm on disappeared from my mission screen. I was never given another mission. Since my copy of Mission Computer is not functioning correctly, I can't find out what I'm supposed to do. I also don't know how to set Serval Sentinel up as "dominated." I've gone from the BHMG Terminator, to the Maskirovka Cruiser, and am now in the Aceleron Biogenics Advanced Warship. Love that Compressor Beam!!

      ~Ace :

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

    • I don't know how old this post is, or if anyone will read this, but I might as well.
      I'm playing the Faction strain of missions, and I'm pretty far in it, I think. The last mission, or mission string, I should say, is the one where a load of pirates and Faction ships plan to go and annihalate the Bounty Hunter / Merc guild... I've gotten up to that point, and got to the Onedin system, but the pack of Pirate Marauders who were my mission-only escorts didn't come, and when I hit I (the button..) it said I had no active missions. I've tried going to each of the pirate (and slaver) ports, landing, and checking the bars at least 15 times, but I can't get the mission again. Does anyone know

      1. Where this mission's briefing and initialization is located? I've forgotten, but I know it must of been one of the Pirate planets.
      2. What I'm supposed to do, because doing what it said certainly didn't work; I even tried dominating the planet, but after spending 20 minutes and destroying about that number of Merc Terminator-class carriers, I knew that wasn't it.

      Please, please, a thousand times, please help me.

      Does anyone know what's the story with the escort bug? That is, the one where you leave a planet, and your entire fleet is GONE? It's happened to me three times, and there's no explanation in the manual... And, hey, does ROP have an official website?

      Spittal GMD Rules!

    • Well, I'd say if it's not on your ship's mission computer anymore, either you accidentally aborted it, screwed-up the mission some way, or finished the mission. Do you remember the name of the mission? If I remember right, you're supposed to destroy all in-system merc's, then dominate Port Paladin. I'm playing the Feddie string now, and I found out why Serval Sentinel wouldn't send out any of their "mighty" ships. I went into the plug with Res-Edit and found out the defense count was set to 1100, which means it sends out 0 waves of 10 ships each. I set the count to 1082, I think, which means it sends out 2 waves of 8 ships. I finally dominated the station. Now I've just transported a load of antiviral medicine (it says weapons) to New Caracas. Now I don't know where to go to get the next mission. I'll keep looking around.
      Back to Res-Edit I go! Found I had to go to destroy the alien mothership (and kiddies) before going to Gateway Station. I just didn't get the message I should have. I finished the feddie string (in an AB Advanced Warship)

      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

      (This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 03-02-2003).)

    • Thanks for the help, but ironically, that doesn't help.
      ...What were the ROP people thinking when they decided that we should only have a 5% chance of getting a mission (exempting the very first one, in which case it would make sense)? How does that make sense in even the slightest way?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ball-Point:
      Thanks for the help, but ironically, that doesn't help.
      ...What were the ROP people thinking when they decided that we should only have a 5% chance of getting a mission (exempting the very first one, in which case it would make sense)? How does that make sense in even the slightest way?

      Hey, don't mock time. You make a plug and do better. Besides, he probably had a reason. Just check out his official website (in response to your previous question) for RoP and the Empire series (url="http://"")here.(/url)

      Edit: Heehee, it's empire_ trilogy , not empire_ series. Fixed link, πŸ˜‰
      "I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 03-02-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 03-02-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kauthor:
      **It might be better to get EV-Edit for mission looking purpose.

      Ehhh... Shmelta V was better...

      - (url="http://";=Varter")Varter(/url): Also known as "Granny" who will beat you with the cane and chase you with the broom. That's Granny!
      "Be who you are and say what you want, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Β– Dr. Seuss
      (url="http://"")Quotation Library(/url) | (url="http://"")Varter's Familiar Quotations(/url)

    • Sorry my last post wasn't much help, BP. Here's something that you'll probably find quite helpful: I went into the plug with (url="http://"")Mission Computer(/url), and found out that the missions are called "Masters & Slaves VI" (ID #313)and "Masters & Slaves VII" (ID #314). It starts on Dragoran where you are assigned to eliminate the defenders in Onedin system, then dominate Port Paladin, dock there, then report back to Port Draco.

      Hope that helped!
      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

      (This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 03-02-2003).)

    • I was having problems with the "Masters and Slaves VI" mission as well, so I thought I might help. When I checked it with ResEdit, the DefCount for Port Paladin was 3505. If I'm reading this correctly, that means that you have to destroy 250 ships (in waves of five) in order to dominate it. While I don't want to suggest that this is a bug, 250 decently sized ships might take up the better part of an afternoon to beat without cheating. The next mission bit (in the bar of Port Paladin) needs you to have dominated the station before it can be set.
      I hoped this information helped you. This is the first time I've used ResEdit, so if I've made any mistakes in reading the data I'd be happy to be corrected. I'd also like to thank the people who created the Realm of Prey plug-in for doing such a great job.

    • You're right about that, Hertz! According to the EV Bible (Annotated Edition), if a spob has a def count below 1000, they all come out, but 1000 and above (as long as the last digit isn't zero (zero ships per wave), the last number is the number of ships per wave, and the first digits (minus one for the first (3505--2505)) give you the number of ships in the def count. Of course, the def count includes all the shipborne fighters... Like you said, a defcount of 3505 really means there's 250 ships which comes out in 50 waves of 5 ships each. WHEW!! It's strange that Port Paladin would have a def count of 3505, when the highest, Gateway Station is only over 1600 or so. I just went in and reset the count to 1082.

      ~Ace πŸ˜„

      "There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild