In EV, what are the advantages of being a Double Agent by accepting the 1st Confed and Rebel missions at the same time?
In EV, what are the advantages of being a Double Agent by accepting the 1st Confed and Rebel missions at the same time?
You don't have to choose between Confed and Rebel technology.
(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 06-20-2001).)
Good legal status everywhere (I think) and you get to kill more aliens! w00t!
"Don't piss me off because my revenge is brutal. It won't come instantly, but when it does, it will be a deep emotional wound that never heals, for I am Dark Templar, Lord of Vengeance"
Neo Ice of Neo World - 118:3:2 (EVA)(osX)(INFINITY)
(url="http://"")My EzBoard(/url) (Looking For Mods)
Can you get the proton beam and the tractor beam?
I was offered an interesting mission recently. A couple of Rebel commandos (I'm confed this time) stormed into the bar and dragged me out kicking and screaming. They said something like, "Okay buddy, listen up. You're going to do us a favor, understand? You're going to take off, and wait for the Confederate Cruiser U.S.S. something-or-other. Then you're going to destroy it, and come back here, got it?" The mission was called "Switch Sides." So, I think you can be both even after destroying a hell of a lot of opposite government ships. Something to think about.
Yeah, you heard me.
I have to say, I have never gotten anything like that. Then again, I never play Confed.
I didn't know these animals could use computers.
The weird thing is, it's the only mission I've heard of where you can't get out of it during the briefing. I quickly canceled it before leaving the planet, but the Confeds wouldn't let me dock after that. Luckily I'm on the alien mission, so they should let me back after that. The problem is, I'm in a poorly upgraded kestral, and can't get through two jumps without getting destroyed by my various and numerous enemies. All I need is tritanium armor, and the speed upgrades. But right now, I'm stuck. I can't make it to Darven from Sol! I'm getting really ticked off! Maybe one of you experts out there could help me out. Like, come to my house, and get me to Darven. That's all I ask. Oh well.
Yeah, you heard me.
Originally posted by Rawzer:
**I was offered an interesting mission recently. A couple of Rebel commandos (I'm confed this time) stormed into the bar and dragged me out kicking and screaming. They said something like, "Okay buddy, listen up. You're going to do us a favor, understand? You're going to take off, and wait for the Confederate Cruiser U.S.S. something-or-other. Then you're going to destroy it, and come back here, got it?" The mission was called "Switch Sides." So, I think you can be both even after destroying a hell of a lot of opposite government ships. Something to think about.
Old mission. Called swicht-sides and you only get it if you're lucky and hated by the rebellion. Only got it once, and aborted.
(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain
Would you get it even if you are working as a double agent?
I get the impression you haven't played EV for too long, Rawzer...
Switch Sides is a mission available only on Rebel worlds, in the form you got it. It does not matter which government you're working for, it's possible, though unlikely to get it if you work for the rebels. The only condition to get it is that the rebel planet you're on must dislike you. If you do it, You get a clean legal rec in all rebel systems, and lose 10000 legal points in Confed systems. I think it's rigged so that you lose a lot of points with the confeds no matter how you do it, I'm not sure quite how some of the negative compreward things work in this case. It doesn't do anything but change legal statuses.
I have a patch I wrote for the game, which fixes a few miscellaneous bugs and things I've found. Switch Sides is a mission I operated on in it, in my version, it's only available to Confeds, and when it's completed it clearrs the mission bit that enables the Confed Missions and blocks the Rebel ones, so you really can start over with th rebellion then. It fixes a few other little things as well, not big enough that I feel like releasing it officially. If you really want to see it, i'd probably e-mail it to you.
So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!
I was fooling around with EVedit a while ago (it stinks), but I was interested when I saw the mission Switch Sides. I don't know what missions it cleared or blocked, I forgot to check.
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Originally posted by MiG:
Can you get the proton beam and the tractor beam?
You can get the Confederate particle beam and the Rebel cloaking device and tractor beam if you do both mission sets.
Originally posted by Dark Templar:
Good legal status everywhere...
What's so special about that? I can get good legal status across the galaxy doing just the Confederate missions.
David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)
Originally posted by Rawzer:
**The problem is, I'm in a poorly upgraded kestral, and can't get through two jumps without getting destroyed by my various and numerous enemies. All I need is tritanium armor, and the speed upgrades. But right now, I'm stuck. I can't make it to Darven from Sol! I'm getting really ticked off! Maybe one of you experts out there could help me out. Like, come to my house, and get me to Darven. That's all I ask.;) Oh well.
If you are at Sol, and hated by Confeds, the easiest way out is Bernard->Zebetrius->Arrakis. From there, make your way to Spica, Evildrome, and Palshife to by the goods you need. Afterburner+2 fuel tanks can serve in place of speed upgrades.
Head to Arrakis or Spica for the armor and shield upgrades. Then head to Palshife for the speed upgrades.
Originally posted by Rawzer:
**The problem is, I'm in a poorly upgraded kestral, and can't get through two jumps without getting destroyed by my various and numerous enemies. All I need is tritanium armor, and the speed upgrades. But right now, I'm stuck. I can't make it to Darven from Sol! I'm getting really ticked off! Maybe one of you experts out there could help me out. Like, come to my house, and get me to Darven. That's all I ask.;) Oh well.
Use the plug-in Instawarp, available at
(url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias.../EV_AddOns.html(/url) . (It works with most other plugs)
Then press shift, hold it dow, then click on the sequence of systems you want to go through to get to Palshife and/or Spica. As soon as you are in Hyperspace jump range, and press the jump button, Instawarp will let you out in a second.
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Well, I got upgraded, and I beat the alien, but they still hate me. I'm getting really pissed off at those Confederate jerks! Maybe I'll get that Switch mission again. I'm curious, just how low is "Public Enemy" on the scale of good or bad? I wonder if I can bump it up by taking over pirate planets. Or Rebel planets.
I think I'll just start a new pilot.
Yeah, you heard me.
Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Well, I got upgraded, and I beat the alien, but they still hate me. I'm getting really pissed off at those Confederate jerks! Maybe I'll get that Switch mission again. I'm curious, just how low is "Public Enemy" on the scale of good or bad? I wonder if I can bump it up by taking over pirate planets. Or Rebel planets.
I think I'll just start a new pilot.
If you manage to get the "Stellar Defense" pirate-elimination mission once or twice (or three or four times, if you're Public Enemy) in a Confederate system, and survive, everyone (except the pirates) will like you a lot.
Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Well, I got upgraded, and I beat the alien, but they still hate me. I'm getting really pissed off at those Confederate jerks! Maybe I'll get that Switch mission again. I'm curious, just how low is "Public Enemy" on the scale of good or bad? I wonder if I can bump it up by taking over pirate planets. Or Rebel planets.
I think I'll just start a new pilot.
EV Bible Annotated Edition:
**Evil Scale: Legal Status:
0 Clean
1 Offender
4 Criminal
16 Felon
64 Fugitive
256 Public Enemy
1024 Prime Evil
4096 Galactic Scourge
Killing a pirate fighter in a system will improve you approximately 1 point on this scale. (0.5 or 0.25 in some systs).
Since you have already beaten the alien, you might as well start a new pilot. If you insist on continuing, then buy the fake ID from privateers haven.
Just wondering... how do you become a double agent? I've only succeeded in working for the Rebels.
Originally posted by Trugati:
Just wondering... how do you become a double agent?
Get both supply missions at the same time.
General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"")