does Escape Velocity have a irc server?????????????
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does Escape Velocity have a irc server?????????????
if I have asked a question, please reply
I don't think there's one for Escape Velocity. There is one for Nova and for plug developers, however. The server is (or is it .net? Someone who uses IRC help me here). Channels are #ev3 for Nova and #evdev for plug makers.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")
maybe we can make 1 server just for Escape Velocity anyone that has the equipment for making an server and has a shell
if I have asked a question, please reply
escape_alex maybe we can make 1 server just for Escape Velocity anyone that has the equipment for making an server and has a shell hehe
What would that accomplish? Ambrosia has a well-established IRC server at, port 6667. It has many members. Go there, create a channel, and invite people to join in... I can't think of the point of creating an EV-only server...
What is it?
Also, remember:
If you want it to be done, do it yourself. In otherwords, if you want that EV server by itself, set it up and run it yourself...
- Anatole The Redeemer
Master Writer and crazy person.
There will come a time, when the/curse of the One above/will not be tolerated further/when the Lineage of Caine will be weak/and there will be no Embracing for/these Childer/for their blood will run like water/and the potence in it will wither/Then, you know in this time that/Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod
btw the main channels on that server are #ev3 and #evdev. There are also private channels, but of course you'd have to know the key to get into them . . .
(url="http://"")Conwy Station(/url)
(url="http://"")DMOZ's EV/O Directory(/url)
I went there expecting a lot of people and stuff but when I got there I found that there were only 17 channels, only 5 of them I could join... hehehe and no one replied when I asked if anyone was there so I doubt I will become a regular there
play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")
Well, the entire server really revolves aroun #ev3, which is SUPPOSED to be for EV Nova discussion.
Anyway, just direct your favorite IRC client towards, /join #ev3, and stick around. When it is alive (as it is most of the time), it is awesome.
The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Unofficial Boards(/url)
But don't expect to learn much about Nova. Starkiller forgot to mention the rule that anyone who wants to talk about Nova will get permabanned. I haven't actually been on there yet, just thought I'd point out the rules I see everywhere else. I might actually go on for the first time this morning though.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")
Originally posted by Macavenger:
**But don't expect to learn much about Nova. Starkiller forgot to mention the rule that anyone who wants to talk about Nova will get permabanned.
That's because it's not a rule.
However, pestering Matt Burch, Pipeline, etc. about it ~will~ get you banned.
Also, if you want, you can use the server to create your own channel.
The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Unofficial Boards(/url)
Originally posted by Starkiller:
**That's because it's not a rule.
An unwritten rule, or so I'm told.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")
I've never used IRC. So, how do you access the irc servers? Typing in the address box didn't work.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.
There are several IRC clients available for download.
(url="http://"") - Shareware. $20, I belive. The best and easiest to use.
(url="http://"") - Freeware. It's...OK, but what do you want for free?
There are many other smaller and less good ones around, try searching (url="http://"") or similar Mac search engines.
Now that you've downloaded it, open up the application. The setup process isn't too hard to figure out yourself, and it should also come with instructions on how to set it up.
When you've connected to the server, type /join #ev3 and join in!
Be warned:
Acting immature will get you in hot water with everyone. Watch how we act, and respond appropreitely. Typing in all caps, putting
three words on
a line like
i am talking
right now will
also tick people off. Type sensibly, act intelligent. If you mind swearing and a sometimes non-G rated conversations, watch out. There are also several other channels on that server. #evdev is for developers chat, and many secret ones also exist for Ambrosia's beta testers to use. Don't try to figure out how to get in; they have passwords and such. People with RED-colored nicks in the userlist have supreme power over you. They can forcibly remove you from #ev3 forever if you annoy them. If they tell you to not do something, to do something, whatever, listen and respect them. If you see other people who tell you to do something or not do something, listen to it out of general courtesy. If you EVER wonder why newbies have bad reputations on the boards and there, people who just don't listen and carry on like 6-year olds are the reason why.
Good luck,
- Anatole
There will come a time, when the/curse of the One above/will not be tolerated further/when the Lineage of Caine will be weak/and there will be no Embracing for/these Childer/for their blood will run like water/and the potence in it will wither/Then, you know in this time that/Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod
Yeh - like Anatole said. In case you didn't figure it out already, to set up Ircle so it connects to the Ambrosia server:
()Click any line in the Connections window
()Click the Edit button at the bottom of the Connections window
()Next to Server, click Select...
()Click Add...
()Next to Server Name, type - nothing else in the window really matters too much, I don't think...
()Click OK.
()Click Select.
()Fill in the rest of the info in the Edit dialog. You don't need a password.
(*)Click OK.
Now you're set up! You don't have to do any of those steps again. Just:
()Click the Connect button in the Connections window.
()Type "/join #ev3".
hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url) | (url="http://"")America's Favorite Irishman!(/url)
Thanks a lot. I searched IRC clients and came up with mIRC. Works perfectly.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.
Mirc is the best irc client... well it is for PC users but I am not sure it works with Mac users... maybe it does, maybe it doesnt
play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")
This is a discussion on IRC clients-
(url="http://"")IRC Client(/url)
Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).
Originally posted by escape_alex:
**Mirc is the best irc client... well it is for PC users but I am not sure it works with Mac users... maybe it does, maybe it doesnt
**, I'd have to say that Ircle is better. With Ircle you can have multiple connections at the same time quite easily. With mIRC you have to have separate clients, and it can get a little messy. I have to admit I do like the toolbar thing at the top of mIRC, though - it's useful, albeit Windows-ish.
hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url) | (url="http://"")America's Favorite Irishman!(/url)
you can be on multiple channels with Mirc.... just type /j channelname or /join channelname or type #channelname in a channel...
play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")
The Mac version of mIRC is very poorly done. Its piece of crap, to be exact. PC version is pretty good though, but I don't have a PC.
By far the best Mac client is IRCle. Its only shortcomming is that it is shareware and will bug you with messages until you register.
As for the server being small, yeah, not too many people are on, and #ev3 is the only large channel (the others never being larger then 10-15 users). #ev3 isn't strictly Nova, is more the general-discussion channel, and yes, people HAVE been kickbanned for talking about Nova, I have witnessed it. So give us another try. The only way we'll grow is if more people become regulars.
Got stem cells?
(url="http://"")The Science of Webboard Theory(/url)
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **
Originally posted by escape_alex:
**you can be on multiple channels with Mirc.... just type /j channelname or /join channelname or type #channelname in a channel...
No, not different channels. Different connections, to different servers at the same time. As in, say, connecting to and at the same time - you have to have separate clients to do that in mIRC.
hector: Joolzman is only 14, so the truth is that he is nowhere near impotence.
xmattWerk: I would agree that Joolzman is a lamer...
(url="http://"")EV Nova: Thin Ice(/url) | (url="http://"")Tool(/url)