As for Me, Captain Carnotaur:
1-BLAST THE DAYLIGHTS out of every single Confed ship we see without mercy! Die die die Confeds!
2-Reduce every single Pirate station, ship, bar, person, planet to space dust.
3-Sympethize (way way way way way way way way way much) with the Rebellion.
5-Smush all traders to get money.
6-Watch Pirates and Confeds battle it out and then nullify the victor(i.e. blast it back to the stone age)!!
7-Fighting Confeds is never fair, Rebels always get the advantage.
8-When the Confeds want you to drop Nukes on Palshife, you drop them onto the Confed presidents lap in New Washington on Earth, and then watch the fireworks.
9-Remind all Confed pilots that life is short by blasting their fused hull into another demension.
10-Drop firebombs on Capella.
11-Hide snakes and frogs in the Confed presidents bed.
12-Squish every single Confed gunboat you see and then remind the Confeds that the Gunboat stinks.
13-Annihilate all Pirate and Confed fleets.
14-Get a particle beam from the Confeds and then give it to the Rebels, then tell the Confeds "Finders Keepers".
15-Capture and tickle Confed pilots until they die.
16-Think up lots of nasty little ways to annoy and pester the Confeds.
17-Send 40 space bombs into the midst of Cydonian fleets, get some pop corn, and watch the fireworks.
18-Give captured Confed cruisers to the Lethes and Rebels.
19-Remind Consolidated Express that they should send all deliveries in Kestrels (by reducing their couriers to burnt out hulks).
20-Give Starbound Express couriers particle beams and neutron blasters.
21-Give the Rebels a plug-in called "(url="http://";=EVMaxCheater.sit.bin")EV Max Cheater(/url)" where you got from some planet called the (url="http://"")EV Addons Page(/url). 
22-Make a telephone call to Aztec HQ and tell them to watch the skies for falling space bombs.
23-Come up with lists like this one.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).
(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 01-08-2001).)