Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Question about having a "mega server"

      6 27 2171

      Is there any real problem with someone having a "mega server" up 24/7? If there is, what is the problem?(Note: This is just a question, and has nothing to do with Edgar, so don't say that an immature host is a probelm)

      How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
      This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell

    • Maybe a mega server would cost to much or be to much of a nusiance to set up. Or maybe its just fun to torture us?

      Uh, Guns and Vegetarian are the two things that should run your life.

    • I don't think there would be a problem with a "mega server"... However, how it is maintained would be a problem. I will use Edgar as an example. He would set up his server, leave it up, and let anyone and everyone have free reign over his server. THAT is the problem... If you are going to have a perm. server up, you need to control it, which isn't ideal in Avara. Edgar claims that it was Atomic who was crashing, and it may have been, I'm not trying to dispute that right now. On what was just said, my point is that if Edgar was not the one who did it, and in that case if Edgar was at his computer playing Avara, the crashing might not have taken place.

      Avara, I would say, is not a game that needs a megaserver. Most everyone who is left can host games, and unless there is someone willing to host one, while moderating there server at all/most times, I would suggest not making a "mega server".

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • Crashing is a "conceived" problem, not an actual one. The only things that go on in the Megaserver are well.. fun and games....Come on Vader, you're just reinforcing a falsity. You just don't like Hons. You told me that yourself.


      I don't think there would be a problem with a "mega server"... However, how it is maintained would be a problem. I will use Edgar as an example. He would set up his server, leave it up, and let anyone and everyone have free reign over his server. THAT is the problem... If you are going to have a perm. server up, you need to control it, which isn't ideal in Avara. Edgar claims that it was Atomic who was crashing, and it may have been, I'm not trying to dispute that right now. On what was just said, my point is that if Edgar was not the one who did it, and in that case if Edgar was at his computer playing Avara, the crashing might not have taken place.

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **Crashing is a "conceived" problem, not an actual one. The only things that go on in the Megaserver are well.. fun and games....Come on Vader, you're just reinforcing a falsity. You just don't like Hons. You told me that yourself.


      What does me not liking Edgar have to do with Tycho? I have to say, Tycho is one of my friends! I'm advising my friend, to not do what Edgar has done. You say that crashing is a conceived problem? Tell Edgar that, since he blames having been banned, on that "conceived problem".

      Yes, it's true I don't like Edgar, and I'm sure everyone can tell that from my previous posts on these forums. However, like I said in my previous post, that is not what I was trying to dispute. If you have a server, there needs to be some control! There will be none if you start a server, and just let it sit there. I mean, really? What’s the point? When I HAVE gone to his server, like to chat to old friends who have gone there, THEY aren't there either... You say it's fun and games. I say it's pointless, and more efficient to start your own server, so people know when you are ready to play... Instead of just joining and sitting there, hoping that someone will either come back from afk, or that someone will join.

      Since I've tried to give some reasoning as to why I wouldn't recommend starting a perm. server, would you be so kind as to give some of YOUR reason why there should be one?

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

      (This message has been edited by Vader (edited 04-24-2003).)

    • You don't understand. People don't get crashed.. we use the Megaserver as a place to hang out much as you would on AIM or another chat program, and sometimes we play Avara too... it also serves for a place for people to go to meet up for Avara that can't disable a firewall on their connection that prevents them from creating their own servers on the tracker. The truth is that there really is nothing wrong with the Megaserver, only good things come from it, and you were just asserting your opinion of Edgar rather than acknowledging the facts.

      The whole crashing incident really had nothing to do with the Megaserver. Sphinx was going in LordCrodo's server and crashing him. LordCrodo blamed Edgar for the crashes because Sphinx hangs out in the Megaserver, and LC doesn't like him anyways. Edgar Hons couldn't have crashed LC, because Hons doesn't ever leave the Megaserver. What's more is, if LC really didn't want to be crashed, he could just take off level loading privaliges in his server, so that people couldnt load the levels that crash him. THATS WHY CRASHING IS NOT REALLY A PROBLEM. If you think you might get crashed, just create your own server and set the rules yourself. But there's nothing wrong with a megaserver.

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **(snip) it also serves for a place for people to go to meet up for Avara that can't disable a firewall on their connection that prevents them from creating their own servers on the tracker. (snip)


      After the last time Edgar and hooligans went off, I thought this was a reasonable reason why to have a server up, but then I got to thinking a bit about that. If someone is at a place where they cannot request port 19567 be opened to traffic, there might be a reason why they are not allowed that access. Like when they're at a school.

      If they're playing from their home or a place where they DO have access to the firewall setttings, they just need to set the following:

      Settings for IPNetRouter:
      Protocol: TCP & UDP
      Apparent Endpoint Address: leave as already filled in
      Port: 19567
      Actual Endpoint Address: IP of your mac.
      Port: 19567
      Static: checked

      Adjust setttings for your firewall program.

      Are there any other situations where one would not be able to request that port be opened?

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • I think you pretty much proved my point there Taz. You really think any of the kids who play ambrosia games have a ****ing clue what you're talking about??? they just wanna play the damn game

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **I think you pretty much proved my point there Taz. You really think any of the kids who play ambrosia games have a ****ing clue what you're talking about??? they just wanna play the damn game


      Heh, I think you've just proved mine. If "kids" want to play multiplayer games on the net, time for them to learn a bit about how that's done. And, if they just want to whine about something not working, and not learn why it's not working - especially when they can do something about it, tough.

      And again, if they don't have access to change it - then they shouldn't, and move on.
      Think we're done here.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • As I said before, I don't see the problem with the Mega Server, and no crashing has happened for a long time, and oldbies such as Lord Crodo should very well know how to make it impossible to be crashed.

      Besides, I just got a new router for my cable connection, and there's a trade-off: the previous router barely worked, but the new one has a firewall, and my brother refuses to let me disable it. Therefore, I can start a server, but no one can connect, unless I go on dialup -- which has been a lag monger lately. This means that I rely on others to create a server, and my ability to play Avara has been further killed with the removal of the Mega Server.

      Since the Mega Server has been down, I haven't seen nearly as many people on as usual. Of course, if you were careless enough to take it down in the first place, what do you care? I'm sick of Andrew and other people talking about a game they haven't even touched for years. And if someone DOES claim to have crashed someone, don't just go and ban the 'crasher', look into it first. Besides, the only people who have any excuse to being crashed are the newbies -- anyone else should know how to keep it from happening.

      Even if there aren't as many people as there used to be and there's more squabbling, I love the game as much as I ever did and I continue playing it. I'd also like to make use of my last day on spring break and play some Avara.


      I'd like to be one of those marines that watched a fart with thermal goggles.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by VikingZippy:
      **As I said before, I don't see the problem with the Mega Server, and no crashing has happened for a long time, and oldbies such as Lord Crodo should very well know how to make it impossible to be crashed.

      Besides, I just got a new router for my cable connection, and there's a trade-off: the previous router barely worked, but the new one has a firewall, and my brother refuses to let me disable it. Therefore, I can start a server, but no one can connect, unless I go on dialup -- which has been a lag monger lately. This means that I rely on others to create a server, and my ability to play Avara has been further killed with the removal of the Mega Server.

      Since the Mega Server has been down, I haven't seen nearly as many people on as usual. Of course, if you were careless enough to take it down in the first place, what do you care? I'm sick of Andrew and other people talking about a game they haven't even touched for years. And if someone DOES claim to have crashed someone, don't just go and ban the 'crasher', look into it first. Besides, the only people who have any excuse to being crashed are the newbies -- anyone else should know how to keep it from happening.

      Even if there aren't as many people as there used to be and there's more squabbling, I love the game as much as I ever did and I continue playing it. I'd also like to make use of my last day on spring break and play some Avara.


      You don't have to disable the firewall completly, just have it ignore port 19567. Also set the router to forward everything on port 19567 to your computer's IP.

      How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
      This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell

    • The problem is that there's not an alert that comes up, or even any suggestion that their server is not displayed on the tracker. What happens is that people will start a server, sit there for several hours, then decide that since nobody joined their server, that the game IS in fact "dead", and delete the game and never come back again. Education and understanding is GREAT, Taz, but there are ways to avoid this situation altogether. If there's a megaserver, there will ALWAYS be a server up on the tracker for people to go to when looking for an Avara game.

      Its like the ****ing lighthouse of Avara... When ur lost in the ocean of nothingness and no multiplayer action, looking for some avara, u can see the megaserver shining brightly on the tracker.

      i think this ones over. match set gg.


      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **Heh, I think you've just proved mine. If "kids" want to play multiplayer games on the net, time for them to learn a bit about how that's done. And, if they just want to whine about something not working, and not learn why it's not working - especially when they can do something about it, tough.

      And again, if they don't have access to change it - then they shouldn't, and move on.
      Think we're done here.


      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **The problem is that there's not an alert that comes up, or even any suggestion that their server is not displayed on the tracker. What happens is that people will start a server, sit there for several hours, then decide that since nobody joined their server, that the game IS in fact "dead", and delete the game and never come back again. Education and understanding is GREAT, Taz, but there are ways to avoid this situation altogether. If there's a megaserver, there will ALWAYS be a server up on the tracker for people to go to when looking for an Avara game.

      Its like the ****ing lighthouse of Avara... When ur lost in the ocean of nothingness and no multiplayer action, looking for some avara, u can see the megaserver shining brightly on the tracker.

      i think this ones over. match set gg.


      Well, yes, there ARE ways to avoid this... But not by having a mega server. A good way, would be to have the information Taz has provided readily availiable on the AmbrosiaSW Avara site. You might also add a warning into the readme file that comes (or should come) with Avara, about the firewall problem, and place the information in there as well? Oh, and another thing that would be good to add in the same area/section, would be instructions on how to ResEdit the level files that can cause crashes... Any other problems?

      P.S. Games not over, KM...

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • none of those things will actually ever happen
      a megaserver works great
      dont fix it if it aint broke..

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **none of those things will actually ever happen
      a megaserver works great
      dont fix it if it aint broke..


      Good Lord! What kind of idiot are you? 1) If you suggest it to Ambrosia, in a calm and polite manner, it very well could. 2) Through points I have made several times, no, a megaserver doesn't work. 3) Dude, it's "broke", and that is why Ambrosia fixed it...

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • You don't understand. The Megaserver was great. It did work.

      Avara isn't making Ambrosia any money anymore. Ambrosia isn't making a sequel to Avara, and they're not making an OS X version, so they aren't worried about interesting more people in Avara right now. That's why we try do fix the problems ourselves, such as by making mega servers, for example.

      I really don't understand why you have to be so lame, but whatever. Really it wasn't "broke" until the Megaserver got shut down... get your **** straight.

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

      p.s. good lord , what kind of idiot are you? ..... ..... ..... great....

      (This message has been edited by kĄllme (edited 04-29-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Vader:
      **Well, yes, there ARE ways to avoid this... But not by having a mega server. A good way, would be to have the information Taz has provided readily availiable on the AmbrosiaSW Avara site. You might also add a warning into the readme file that comes (or should come) with Avara, about the firewall problem, and place the information in there as well? Oh, and another thing that would be good to add in the same area/section, would be instructions on how to ResEdit the level files that can cause crashes... Any other problems?

      P.S. Games not over, KM...


      Well, I doubt the program bundle file will be changed to include a new read me with this information, but I did add the firewall info onto the FAQ for avara.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      Avara isn't making Ambrosia any money anymore. Ambrosia isn't making a sequel to Avara, and they're not making an OS X version, so they aren't worried about interesting more people in Avara right now. That's why we try do fix the problems ourselves, such as by making mega servers, for example.

      Bzz. Wrong. Ambrosia SW hasn't made nearly enough money from Avara to cover continued running of the tracker, this website, the forum, nor even come close to covering the amount of time Ambrosia SW people have had to deal with some people who insist on causing trouble.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **Well, I doubt the program bundle file will be changed to include a new read me with this information, but I did add the firewall info onto the FAQ for avara.


      If you noticed, I said "might add". 😉 Putting it somewhere on the site, should/(already should have) happen(ed). The comments after posting it on the website were to just further my point 😉 And I totally agree with you on Avara not making enough money for the support it gets from Ambrosia. People complain that they can't have a server up on the tracker? Be thankfull there IS a tracker to begin with.

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • Quote

      **Ambrosia SW hasn't made nearly enough money from Avara to cover continued running of the tracker, this website, the forum, nor even come close to covering the amount of time Ambrosia SW people have had to deal with some people who insist on causing trouble.

      Ambrosia servers are there for ALL of their games. It's not like they are running them for AVARA. It makes no difference whether they have a forum open for Avara or not. It does not cost them money to keep Avara going.

      Some people post here because we think Avara is cool and we want to share Avara stuff with other people. I assure you, this is an entirely productive and good use of the forum.

      You went through trouble dealing with "people who insist on causing trouble"? We are having trouble dealing with your stupid moderation. Why don't you stop going through trouble? Stop banning, stop making your glib responses to every message and turning everything into a lawsuit.

      I was trying to provide insight into an effective solution to the problem with firewalls. Just yesterday I saw 3 servers that I could not get into because the people did not have that port cleared on their router. Krow told me that even Vader 's server had this problem, as he could not enter it either. If the megaserver was still around we could all just chill in there and we wouldn't have this problem.

      Now, with all due respect to Ambrosia and the luxury they provide us with the tracker, do you have a better solution to the problem? (The goal being to end confusion about firewalls and help people get together for Internet games of Avara)

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)