I'm making a semi-conversion plug. It changes a bunch of stuff and blah blah blah...
I need to replace the Nova music with my own. How do I do this? (What file formats, etc.)
What have I done?
I'm making a semi-conversion plug. It changes a bunch of stuff and blah blah blah...
I need to replace the Nova music with my own. How do I do this? (What file formats, etc.)
What have I done?
You have to move the Nova Music file from the Nova Files directory, then put your own file called Nova Music in there. It should be MP3 format, and should have the creator Növä and the type MPEG.
Kevin Ballard
I tried that, it simply refused to play anything on startup. Does it have to be a specific length/size? It was named correctly, and I converted it with DropInfo, so it should work, but it doesn't. See signature.
What have I done?
No specific size/length. Make sure it's called Nova Music, make sure it's MP3, make sure it's in the Nova Files folder and not the plugins folder, and if you're really stuck, go download Nova File Changer (url="http://"http://kevin.sb.org/evnova/")here(/url) and have that verify your type/creator codes.
It worked for me, BTW. I have a piece of music called Unweave, composed by an online friend, as my startup music. All I did was drop it on Nova File Changer, rename it to Nova Music, and replace the original Nova Music with the new file.
Kevin Ballard
Another thing to note is that the music file may be in the Plug-In folder. I just tested it and it replaces the original music file when it loads. This means that you can include the new music in your plug without making people have to manually switch between the two.
Originally posted by Darkness:
**Another thing to note is that the music file may be in the Plug-In folder. I just tested it and it replaces the original music file when it loads. This means that you can include the new music in your plug without making people have to manually switch between the two.
Ack! You beat me to it! I just discovered that and I was about to post that :frown:
However, it still has to be called "Nova Music". Simply setting the type/creator doesn't do it.
Hrm, along these lines, I wonder if Race 1-Race 4 can work from the Plugins folder?
Kevin Ballard
Hmm.. It's definately mp3 format, I'll try downloading this Nova File Changer thingy, see if that works.
What have I done?
Well, I got Nova File Changer, changed the mp3 to an "EV Nova music document", changed the name to Nova Music, put it in the Nova Files folder, but I still get nothing. I also tried it in the plug-ins folder. I've tried both ways with multiple mp3s, but I still get no music. >_<
What have I done?
A good test would be to try playing it with something else...
Regarding the movies, not only can you replace them, but if you do some STR patching in your plugin you don't have to give them (or Nova Music) the default names.
"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink
I'm running in os X, could that be a problem? Also, could it have anything to do with my plug being active?
Unfortunately, I don't have anyone else's computers to check it on. Maybe I could send someone my music file, so they can change the format, or check it, or something?
What have I done?
Dude, you seem to be having a tough time. I got my test MP3 working without much trouble. I would ask you to send it to me so I could test it, but I know my e-mail account won't handle a big file. Getting someone to look at it would be a good thing to do.
Oh, and I use OS X, and I didn't have a problem getting it work. So I'm thinking it has to do with how the file is setup.
Originally posted by Ransom Arceihn:
**I'm running in os X, could that be a problem? Also, could it have anything to do with my plug being active?
Unfortunately, I don't have anyone else's computers to check it on. Maybe I could send someone my music file, so they can change the format, or check it, or something?
You can send it to me if you want, I have plenty of bandwidth at the moment - use rcastigl@bigpond.net.au if so inclined.
"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink
Originally posted by Ransom Arceihn:
I'm running in os X, could that be a problem? Also, could it have anything to do with my plug being active?
What do you mean, with your plug being active? Do you mean with it being in the plugins folder? That shouldn't affect anything, unless, of course, you patch the wrong STR# or 'STR ' resource. Do you have intro music turned on in your preferences?
(B}Unfortunately, I don't have anyone else's computers to check it on. Maybe I could send someone my music file, so they can change the format, or check it, or something?(/B)
Hey. I'm willing to test for you. I have a T1 line, so it would be a quick download. If you want to send me the file, my address is (url="http://"mailto:kevin@sb.org")mailto:kevin@sb.org(/url)kevin@sb.org
Occasionally, in my attempts of this, the music skips. Oh well.
Lequis Design
Originally posted by Lequis MX:
Occasionally, in my attempts of this, the music skips. Oh well.
Try reducing the music's bit rate.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url): The Time Has Come For You To Visit.
Well, I finally got it to work.
Even after deleting the .mp3 extension, OS X simply hid it. I discovered this after throwing it in the Nova Files folder while the original Nova Music file was still there. Thanks to everyone who helped.
What have I done?
On this topic, something I found.
Some people have complained about the buttons in the main menu sliding out very slowly when the program is first started up. I found that not having music play on startup not only fixes this for me, but it makes the loading time seem almost twice as snappy. Maybe it's just my old computer being happy at not needing to play an mp3 whilst loading all kinds of other stuff.
"No matter where you're going, there you are."
Originally posted by Platypus Man:
**On this topic, something I found.
Some people have complained about the buttons in the main menu sliding out very slowly when the program is first started up. I found that not having music play on startup not only fixes this for me, but it makes the loading time seem almost twice as snappy. Maybe it's just my old computer being happy at not needing to play an mp3 whilst loading all kinds of other stuff.
On my snappy new iMac, it also doubles or triples the load time. Also, you could try using a shorter MP3 with a lower bitrate. When I replaced the >7 minute intro song with my 2.5 minute MP3, the load time dropped a bit.
Kevin Ballard
Heh, that song is quite good, but waaaay too slow-moving - to hear the whole thing, you need to just sit there for 5+ minutes after Nova's loaded.
"A taco is merely a rigid, deformed tortilla."
- Thomas Castiglione
"There will be MUCH CRUSHING!"
- Pink
It would have been nice if Atmos would have had more spots to play music during the game. Even having some background chatter via MIDIs or MODs would have been good.