Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Question about Bryce: Does version 5 have a faster render engine? I heard a number of
complaints on how slow Bryce 4's rendering engine was. Is version 5 faster?
Not really, and it's much slower if you use many/any of the new features. My three biggest complaints, besides the soon-to-be-apparent speed problems with many of the new features, are that the program is rather buggy still, that most of the new rendering abilities (soft reflections, true ambience, depth of field, etc.) are affected by the raydepth, and look downright grainy at anything less than 144 rays per pixel, and only begin to look pretty smooth at 256 rays per pixel :eek:, and that "true ambience" (a sort-of radiosity) is dependent on the ambient channel, not the diffuse channel as it really should be.
Oh, not to mention that the network renderer has material problems, too. Wait, I just mentioned it... 
Its most useful new features are the tree lab, metaballs, and soft shadows. Light-falloff color gradients are neat, too. I would say it's worth the upgrade overall, despite the many shortcomings.
...and if you have a few months free on your computer, you could probably make some absolutely spectacular renders. 
Hehe... So since Bryce has all these shortcomings, would I be better off not buying it and saving up for something else?
-Cap'n Skyblade
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